Keeping your private information safe in the time of always-on connectivity is more important than ever. This is also the age of skyrocketing data breaches and cyber threats so using proven data security strategies is essential to keep your identity and finances protected.

Following the ten indispensable tips is a good starting point. Read more and, if you need any advice or information on further steps you can take, give us a call…

1. Secure Your Wi-Fi: Strengthen the security of your Wi-Fi network and access points by configuring unique passwords and settings. By doing so, you can thwart unauthorised access attempts and protect your data from potential theft by cyber intruders.

2. Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi: Reduce risks by deactivating Bluetooth and Wi-Fi features when not actively in use. This precautionary measure helps prevent unauthorised access to your devices and sensitive data, especially in public environments where cybercriminals may exploit vulnerabilities.

3. Configure Privacy Settings: Take control of your privacy by customizing settings on your devices and web browsers. By blocking tracking mechanisms and auto-download features, you can safeguard your personal information and prevent unauthorised data collection.

4. Use Random Passphrases: Enhance your online security by creating strong and memorable passphrases composed of random words and characters. Avoid using easily guessable information and ensure each passphrase is unique across all your accounts and devices to bolster your defence against potential breaches.

5. Keep social media Private: Minimise the risk of targeted attacks by limiting the exposure of your personal information on social media platforms. Be wary of suspicious profiles and enable additional security measures such as two-factor authentication to fortify your account defences.

6. Protect Your Identity: Safeguard your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by refraining from sharing it publicly or storing it in insecure locations. Implement password protection on your devices and remain vigilant against phishing attempts and other fraudulent activities.

7. Don’t Save Information: Resist the urge to save sensitive data on websites or browsers. Instead, use password managers and encrypted files to securely store passwords and other confidential information, reducing the risk of unauthorised access.

8. Avoid Unknown Sites: Exercise caution while browsing the internet and steer clear of suspicious or unverified websites. Verify security protocols and certifications to minimize the threat of malware and phishing attacks that could compromise your data security.

9. Verify Before You Click: Stay vigilant and verify the legitimacy of links, pop-ups, and downloads to avoid falling victim to phishing scams or malware infections. Always scrutinise sources before interacting with online content to mitigate potential risks.

10. Carefully Back-Up Data: Implement regular data backups to safeguard against potential loss or corruption of your valuable information. Take control of where your data is stored and who has access to it to ensure maximum security and privacy.

Remember, maintaining data security requires vigilance and proactive measures. If you encounter any suspicious activity, promptly report it to your IT team.

Take advantage of Cerberus Networks’ support for 24/7 assistance. Protecting your data is a collective responsibility—stay informed and proactive in safeguarding your digital assets.

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